Friday, June 12, 2009

Internet Safety

I did all of the required reading, and for my fifth article I read Fighting Internet Filth by Mario Hipol. This was a very interesting and helpful article, and it really focused on those who may not be technology savvy. It outlined and gave good resources to help parents who feel intimidated by the internet to help keep their family safe. It mentioned some programs, such as pop-up blockers and filters, that can make the internet much safer for children. All the tips he mentioned were basic, and I had not thought of some of them, but really can make a difference. I will definitely use these guidelines in my own classroom and home, and teach them to my children. I think that being a good example and following the guidelines myself can have a positive influence on others around me. Also, being willing to share this information to make the internet safer for others, the article I read is a great start for anyone!

I watched some of the public service announcements as well as the BYU animation short. I spent the bulk of my time watching the PBS documentary. This was very enlightening and actually kind of scary to see how much of teenagers life today is spent on the internet. There was a segment on how teachers need to keep up with technology in order to appeal to students. I will try to use technology in my teaching in a useful way and to teach my students safe internet practices.

I shared what I learned with my father (47) who is an electrical engineer. Overall it was a positive experience, however he knew most of what I shared with him. I loved Elder Ballard's talk with the list of things we can do to help keep our children safe and shared this with my father, which he was happy to hear! Overall a good learning experience.

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