Thursday, May 7, 2009

Classroom Videos

I have spent a lot of time using Logger Pro, a great program for science classrooms for data acquisition and analysis.  Some of the most interesting projects I did with this program were video analysis.  Many aspects of a problem that were not feasible to calculate or understand before are easy with this technology.  Mary and I decided that we would gather videos that we could use in our class to analyze in Logger Pro.  We will string these videos together with introduction narration (and some pretty amazing physics songs) and then introductory questions after the video of what we would like our students to do with the raw data.  This seemed like the most useful project we could think of that would help us start collecting the materials we need for our own classrooms.  

This project will cover many standards because each video is of a different phenomenon and could be used to explain many different concepts, and including at least parts from all of the physics standards (some may be very small parts).

here's the link to the website:

1 comment:

  1. ok - I also like logger pro and have done quite a bit with it including video analysis for calculating acceleration due to gravity.

    I look forward to seeing your movie.



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