Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Experiences with technology!

This is the first blog that I have started, and am excited to learn more about technology.  My father and mother are electrical engineers, and I did not get that "knack" for technology.  I have a Mac and can do basic things, but it has always scared me a bit.  I believe that technology has it out for me and breaks whenever I'm around, my dad always told me technology can smell fear, which I believe I have tested sufficiently.  Being on my own at college, however, I have been forced to learn to fix basic problems on my own and set up some technology.  I do not have the same fear I used to, but I still struggle when things do not initially go as I thought they should.  I am confident in the basic programs (word, excel and basic powerpoint) and feel confident on the web.  Anything above a basic level in any sort of technology is really above my capabilities.  

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